About Us
Lindell Bank has a proud heritage of service to the families and businesses in the St. Louis metro area. When the first Lindell Bank opened in 1923 at the corner of Grand and St. Louis Avenues, it was one of the first buildings in the new Peter Lindell addition to the City of St. Louis. It was this new section of the city that gave Lindell Bank its name.
The original Lindell Bank was located just south of Sportsman’s Park, home to both the St. Louis Cardinals and Browns, and was frequented by many ball players of the time including Dizzy Dean and Frank Frisch. The bank was in the path of the 1927 tornado which destroyed the building. After the storm, people gathered cash from the debris and returned it to the bank. With help from the community, the bank soon rebuilt in its original location and, once again, opened for business.
Not long after, the country experienced the great stock market crash which marked the beginning of the Great Depression. Lindell Bank was one of only two St. Louis banks to keep its doors open for business during the “bank holidays” that followed.
Initially, Lindell primarily served the St. Louis brewery and shoe industries, bringing much needed capital to a growing community. Early bank customers borrowed money for development of the Grand Avenue business district as well as construction of several fashionable homes and apartment buildings in the Central West End.
In the 100 years since opening the first Lindell Bank, we have expanded and now have locations throughout the area including Dogtown, West County, St. Charles County, South County and Jefferson County. Each offers unique opportunities for us to participate in the growth and revitalization of the areas we serve.
To this day, Lindell Bank remains a locally owned and operated independent community bank. We are consistently awarded the highest “5-Star” rating for our safety and soundness. As a full-service bank, we offer consumer and commercial lending, personal and business banking products including cash management. With a focus on personal service, we offer a blend of traditional and innovative financial products.
Lindell Bank knows that when people work together to achieve common goals, good things happen, individuals grow, businesses prosper and communities thrive. That is why, generation after generation, we have worked to build solid and productive relationships with the people, businesses and organizations that make up our community.
Lindell Bank, The Bank of Personal Service, since 1923.