
Faster. Simpler. More Secure. Free.

Lindell Bank eStatements provide your account statements and correspondence instantly online, with free email notification.

  • eStatements arrive several days earlier than standard US Mail statements.
  • eStatements available online immediately and can be viewed or printed anytime within 6 months.
  • Less waste in the mailbox.
  • Reduced risk of identity theft from discarded statements

With eStatements your personal information goes straight from the bank to your personal computer. eStatements are encrypted (128 bit) prior to delivery. You must enter a personal password to decrypt and view the statement information. Your eStatement looks EXACTLY like your paper statement. eStatements are downloaded as a PDF file viewable using Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™ Most computers already have Acrobat Reader installed already. If yours does not, you can download it for free here: Download Acrobat Reader.

To enroll for eStatements, you must have an account with Lindell Bank, but you do not have to be enrolled in NetTeller (Online Banking).


For more information, contact us at 314-645-7700 or email us at

Please remember that your email communication to us is not secured. Therefore, for your protection, please do not provide personal or account information in your email. NetTeller customers should use the "Message Center" link found on the NetTeller screen for a secured transmission to us.