Whatever may be your challenges as a small business owner, managing your day-to-day finances, should not be one of them. Lindell Bank offers a number of checking options to fit your business. Take a moment and review our small business checking options, we're confident that we have the right solution for you.
Small Business Checking
Our Small Business Checking account offers 300 FREE processed items per month (additional items - 35 cents each) with a minimum balance of $150. In addition, we offer FREE Internet Banking with the first 3 months of Bill Pay FREE then $6.95 per month, FREE first 20 Bill Pay Items per month (additional items are $0.35 each) along with a FREE Business Debit MasterCard®.
Business Checking
Our Business Checking account offers no monthly minimum balance, a flexible Service Charge Structure (calculated on average daily balance), FREE Internet Banking with the first 3 Months of Bill Pay FREE then $6.95 per month, FREE First 20 Bill Pay Items Per Month (additional items are $0.35 each) along with a FREE Business Debit MasterCard®
Business Money Market
Our Business Money Market account offers Tiered Variable Interest Rates (Higher Rates for Higher Balances) along with up to 6 third-party checked or Electronic Funds Transfers per month and Unlimited Teller window Transactions. In addition, your business will receive a FREE Business Debit MasterCard®, along with FREE Internet Banking.